четверг, 14 февраля 2008 г.

Seventh International Scientific School "Modeling and analysis of safety and risk in complex systems" (MASR-2008), in SAINT-PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, June 2

Authors who wish to participate in the School should send a paper to risk@sapr.ipme.ru or kvv@cards.lanck.net, before March 25, 2008 as Microsoft Word file (not more 6 pages, type 11pt). Prior publication all papers will be peer refereed.

We will send the invitation to authors of accepted papers till April 25, 2008 by E_mail. Please, download the rules of paper's writing for publication in MA SR - 2008 Proceedings (MS WORD file, 26.0 kb).

Please, fill in and send us registration form (MS WORD file, 26.0 kb).

  1. The consideration of methods and models for quantitative measurement and analysis of risk in economic, financial and social systems;
  2. The consideration of methods and models for quantitative measurement and analysis of risk in complex technical systems (nuclear power, gas and petroleum production and transportation, space, aviation, navy, etc.);
  3. Transformation of statistical data base (DB) into knowledge base (KB) in problems of risk;
  4. Logic-and-probabilistic (LP) risk models in banking, security portfolio, quality and efficiency, risk management of company, bribes and corruption;
  5. Introduction of risk attributes in multi-component systems;
  6. The development of relations between different areas of risk theory application.

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of ScienceIntelligent Integrated Systems of Automated Designing Laboratory (IISAD )

IPME RAS, Bolshoi pr., 61. V.O.199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA

Tel.: 7(812)3214766;

Fax.: 7(812)3214771

E-mail: risk@sapr.ipme.ruhttp://www.ipme.ru

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